Selasa, 05 April 2016

Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Membuat Lampu LED AC 220 Volt

1. Rangkaian

2. Rangkai Driver LED 220 Volt

3. Rangkain LED SMD5050 secara seri (48 Led)

Ini menggunakan Led Strip 5050 12 Volt yang sudah dimodifikasi menjadi rangkaian seri,
Memakai pendingin bekas plat nomor (Aluminium)

4. Uji coba

PERHATIAN :  Jangan MENYENTUH RANGKAIAN  karena akan ke setrum

Rangkaian harus tertutup , chasing usahakan yang terbuat dari plastik.


Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Trans7 Bandung - Redaksi Jawa Barat

Content local berita di Trans7 Bandung - Redaksi Jawa Barat
Mulai tayang tanggal 11 Januari 2016 jam 06.45 - 07.15 (durasi 30 menit)
Senin - Jum'at

Ucapan selamat dari Pak Gubernur Jabar dan Pak Wali Kota Bandung


Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

Video dan Lirik lagu Saffar - Mandatory El Arshy

Mandatory El Arshy

Siddiqul akbar altar alqohar valium battar
Mekah Madinah telah menjalar laskar Dzulfiqar

Tiada mencerca tiada menghina
Redam semua terkubur sirna
Telan telak titah sang Ahmad
Lekat erat pemberi mandat

Tiada mencerca tiada menghina
Redam semua terkubur sirna
Telan telak titah sang Ahmad
Lekat erat pemberi mandat

Vibrasi takbir lantang mengalir
Awali lahir yakinkan akhir

Fisabilillah hantamlah fitnah hunus harokah rancang sejarah
Fisabilillah tebar assunnah kecuplah fitrah genggam syariah
Fisabilillah koloni sakhrah genggamlah ka'bah runut khilafah

Fisabilillah hantamlah fitnah hunus harokah rancang sejarah
Fisabilillah tebar assunnah kecuplah fitrah genggam syariah
Fisabilillah koloni sakhrah genggamlah ka'bah runut khilafah

Antivenom nalar
Serotonin umar
Modulasi hepar

Amphetamine makar
Tempat bersandar
Bukan kelakar

Antivenom nalar
Serotonin umar
Modulasi hepar

Amphetamine makar
Tempat bersandar
Bukan kelakar

Vibrasi takbir lantang mengalir
Awali lahir yakinkan akhir

Mandatory el arshy

Siddiqul akbar altar alqohar valium battar
Mekah Madinah telah menjalar laskar Dzulfiqar

Meskipun terpisah jauh dari peristiwa agresi Abrahah
Ikatan penggenggam Syahadat tak akan terpisah
Saling mengisi dalam segala sisi
Memahami konsep tauhid sebagai sebuah puncak dari esensi
Memberikan pencerahan kepada yang buta akal dan menjadi pengobat bagi sakitnya hati
Tak terikat pada tradisi meruntuhkan setiap ideologi dan isme yang kemudian hanya akan melahirkan budaya yang sakit di kepala kita
Inilah milah yang keabsahannya tak perlu lagi diuji
Menjadi ikon bagi setiap jiwa para pembela kebenaran yang hakiki

Video + Liriknya

Video dan Lirik Lagu Tengkorak - Jihad Soldiers

Tengkorak - Jihad Soldiers

Jihad .....
To whom it may concern
Which testify to syahadat
Israel had declared
a war by throwing words


Let's fight in the name of ALLAH
Let's fight in the name of ALLAH

Jihad fisabilillah
Jihad fisabilillah
Jihad fisabilillah


Let's fight in the name of ALLAH
Let's fight in the name of ALLAH

Jihad fisabilillah
Jihad fisabilillah
Jihad fisabilillah


To whom it may concern
Which testify to syahadat
Israel had declared
a war by throwing words

Video + Liriknya

Rabu, 06 Januari 2016

Ngaji Bareng Rotor : Infidels - Devine Support - The Flame

Lirik lagu Rotor : Infidels - Devine Support - The Flame

INFIDELS (Surrah 109) :
Say, are you that reject faith?
I worship not that which you worship
Nor will you worship that which I worship
And I will not worship that which you have been wont to worship
Nor will you worship that which I worship
To you be your way, and to me mine

DIVINE SUPPORT (Surrah 110) :
When comes the help of Allah, and victory
And thou dost see the people enter Allah's religion in crowds
Celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and pray for His forgiveness
For He is Oft-Returning (in grace and mercy)

THE FLAME (Surrah 111) :
Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he
No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains
Burnt soon will he be in a fire of blazing flame
His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood - As fuel
A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck!

Video + Liriknya

Video dan Lirik Lagu Rotor - Behind The 8th Ball

 Rotor - Behind The 8th Ball

Thrash in the land i was born
Born a band in late eighties
Don't create songs just an imitator
Center of thrash universe followed by the audience

With ease play music with no mind in our brain
No concept, no art price and no need to feel
Do that things and plague cause we're vein
Got no choice, played under pressure and have no bill

Bored with the condition of the experience
Willing to change people's addictions what other's great
To reach popularity and earn more money
Fell so good to be so bad

Play music with mind in our brain
Concept and art priced, fully need to feel
Do that all things cause we're free
Got no choice, played what we what to play and still no bill

Behind the 8th ball .... 4x

Behind the 8th ball .... 4x

Video + Lirik

Rangkaian Lampu Emergency + Senter LED

1. Rangkaian 1 (Lampu Emergency + Senter)

2. Rangkaian 2 (Lampu Emergency full light & normal light)